Dirt Farm Hits the Bottle

On Tuesday, Janell, Bruce, Nick, Wes and I gathered in the tap room to generate label content for the two beers we’ll be bottling soon. We sniffed and sipped and savored and threw out all the words we could think of. Here’s the result of that brainstorm:  Work Session IPA We call it “Work,” but…

Sit Stay Training Featured at Dog Days Festival

My dogs don’t follow instructions. They’re smart guys who understand English pretty well, but they generally do what pleases them, not what pleases me. When I tell them to get off the bed, for example, they do this: Meghann Weller-Redmer, owner of Sit Stay Dog Training, says there’s a simple reason for that: I praise…

Leesburg Chiropractic Pursues Total Wellness

When I visited Leesburg Chiropractic last week, Dr. Sampson gave me company pen that looked like it had been slammed in a drawer. Between the words “Leesburg” and “Chiropractic”, the pen bent sharply, and though it kind of straightened out again after the last ‘c’, you couldn’t make the cap stay on at either end…

Kale as Tender as Parsley

I ate my kale with pinto beans and quinoa — not a fancy dish, but cheap and nourishing. First I braised the kale with some onion, and since heat softens the flavor of kale, sauteed onion controlled the flavor of the dish. That was all right. I had eaten a lot of the kale raw…

Does Wheatgrass Accelerate Recovery?

I used to be an athlete. When I was 17, I could swim 100 yards of freestyle in 47 seconds, and no one has ever swum 100 yards of butterfly at the West Side Swim Club in Madison Wisconsin as fast as I did one day in 1976. But the exercise I do these days…

Grassing up

It’s supposed to be good for you to a degree that makes you wonder whether it’s too good to be true. Some of the claims are hard to believe: “Wheatgrass juice fights body odor! Wheatgrass juice blocks tooth decay! Wheatgrass keeps gnats out of your eyes!” And relieves arthritis, and reduces inflammation, and protects against certain cancers.…